Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Return to Stasis

I'm a restaurant guy...

And my job mostly involves controlling chaos. There are absolutely too many moving parts to allow me to be a control freak. There are often moments when I must rely solely on what training we have given our staff and know that it has to be enough.

My years of exposure to this environment have instilled in me a motto that I repeat to myself often:

"Return to Stasis"

Stasis n.-a. a state of balance or equilibrium.
              b. a state or period of stability during which little or no change occurs.

The word "Stasis" is one that is used in medical terms or in evolutionary states and represents a state of calm normality in what is usually a tumultuous environment. I was most likely exposed to this term while functioning as a medic in the US Army. Some how I adopted it to my own career and is still a part of what makes me successful.

In our business there will be times when we are all pushed beyond our limits. Challenging times can bring out the best and worse in people. But as quickly as possible we must get things back to normal in our restaurant. I cannot express the importance of finishing a rush. We have to stock plates, refill ice bins, get all tables clean, sweep all floors. Each of our restaurants has a resting place that we and our associates feel comfortable in our own skins. Returning the restaurant to "stasis" happens everyday at close and is evident every morning right before we open the doors. The challenge we have today is to find it at shift change. And find it again between the dinner rush and the late night crowd.

This "stasis" can be achieved in a relatively short time and will reload and re-energize a staff as they once again see the calm that is represented in things being in their proper place and time. This is a great culture to establish in our businesses and will take leadership to lead the charge to implement.

So I urge you dont take that smoke break just yet, look around and start to identify what "stasis" looks like to you. Teach your people to restock the line, catch up the dish pit and restock the dishes. While we are at it...tuck in your shirt, wipe down all counters, and take out the trash. Finishing the stressful time with "stasis" means your ready for more customers and ready to make more money.