Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to get the most out of your people requires YOU

I'm a restaurant guy...

and I cannot accomplish anything without the fine people that I work with. Understanding who I am working with is the first thing that I think about when faced with a task or opportunity. People can come with different skill sets and backgrounds. Not all are made alike. There are no robots in our industry.

Recently, Several of the Leaders that I deal with (both Restaurant and Non-Restaurant) have expressed to me a false notion that "people should know better." I find this very frustrating. It usually results in me asking the question "What have you done to ensure they know better?"

"People should know better" is an excuse for non effective leadership. I hold people in very high esteem I believe they are intelligent enough not to try and fool with misleading or excuses. But I also understand that in order to get the most out of those who work with me is to follow a simple 4 step plan.

4 Step Plan:

1. Vision--Without vision the people parish is how the Bible put it. If you can articulate where you are going and how you and your team can get there, then you are well on your way to the promised land. Most leaders provide partial vision to the team. Some are unable to communicate it well. Others only have thought of the beginning steps and have not thought it through to the end, Therefore cannot communicate it. Some simply rely on vision to be provided from others. Most just tell associates what they need to know only. They require the associate to come to them and ask for Vision. Even if you view your department as small and insignificant, Vision is still required as long as you have any people working with you.

2. Training--Notice that I did not include this in Vision, nor would I include Vision in Training. They are two separate things. Your vision ties the associate to your team, the company training program ties the associate to the job. Many literally think that because a person spent a few days in a classroom setting and passed an assessment then they can now be 100% effective at their jobs. Training programs are great for gathering "nut and bolts" of the company and job and must be completed entirely. The better we are at executing the training programs fully the better the associate will be in the future. Ensuring that you have Training-Passionate people administering training is essential. Can you say that you are a master at Training? If you are not who is? Are all the booklets or paperwork completely filled out?

3. Follow-up--People left on their own will usually do whatever they want. Even if you have instilled your Vision and Oversaw their complete training, this will still be true. Why you ask? A 1 week, 5 week or even a 10 week training program cannot make anyone forget a lifetime of behavior.
An old adage says that "you can expect what you inspect." While expectations generally end in disappointment I would assure you that Vision, Training and Consistent Follow-up end in the associate choosing to do well or choosing another path.

Recently, I had a discussion with a Student Teacher and she expressed to me a frustrating situation with a advanced music student. The Student refused to take out her instrument and practice. She continued to ask the student "Are you going to take out your instrument?" "No" the student replied. "Do you not want to practice?" "No" , "You need to do what I ask you, Please take out your instrument." "No" the student continued. Ultimately the exchange failed. The student teacher sent the student to the Band Director.
The Band Director asked a different Question "What are you supposed to be doing?" The Student replied "Playing my instrument." "It is your choice, now. You can either play your instrument or go to the office" The band director explained.

People will at times make choices that have nothing to do with their training. People are at times very unpredictable. The Band Director simply verified that he had not failed in his training and vision for the Student. Since he had not failed, reeducation was not necessary. Only a choice could follow.
Never can we be totally sure what will happen. We can just be confident in doing the right things up front. Inspecting the behavior is the only way to ensure success of the Vision and Training.
Leadership is follow-up.

4. Encourage--This is by far the component most missed in getting the most out of your people. This step like follow-up requires you to be completely committed to it. Jim Sullivan was the first I ever heard say "Catch someone doing something right." It is all too easy to focus on the negative. There are so many more positive things happening than negative on any given day. Look around for those who exemplify your vision and training. When you see it then you must:

Thank them!!
Pat them on the back!!!
Cheer them on!!!
Give them a small reward!!
Tell everyone!!

The most effective way to bring about behavior is to reward it. Start small and work people to bigger steps of success and excellence. The One Minute Manager, a book by Ken Blanchard, taught us that the way they get the killer whales to jump so high at Sea World is that every time he swims over the stick under water they give him a small fish. As they raise the stick out of the water and in order for him to get the small fish he must jump. After he figures that out; it is just a matter of moving the stick higher and being consistent with the reward. The rewards do not need to be bigger but the expectation can still rise. How high can you raise the expectation with a simple pat on the back??

Everyday seems to bring a new challenge. Be ready to tackle it and be genuine about wanting to help your associates rise to new levels and give them the tools to accomplish it. Remember it will take YOU following these steps to ensure that your employees really do "know better."