Monday, November 29, 2010

On Vacation

I'm a restaurant guy...

and I'm on vacation. It is vitally important that operators take time away from their restaurant for a vacation at least twice a year. The ownership level needed to properly operate in this business usually requires sacrifice by family and friends as well as yourself. So, I support a twice a year break for a week for a few reasons.

1. Your Family needs you and you need them. Kiss your spouse, love your kids and go somewhere that is not your house. Get out of your element and do not look back. You should stay in your means but I do not recommend a stay-cation. Go to your in laws, great aunts, etc, for cheap or go big if you have it . Just get away. Don't go away mad, just go away.

2. When the cat is away the mice will play. I do not believe that I have ever been on vacation and at least one person in my restaurant has not lost their job. Sometimes we are the glue that holds things together and not being there can show weaknesses in the fabric of the team. This is a very fast way to test competency and intentions of several others in your restaurant. I always come back knowing a little more about the establishment and with open eyes.

3.The stars in your store can shine brighter when the Sun is not shining.Your absence will allow those up and comers an opportunity to show others what they bring to the table. Those who step up in your absence can really take your restaurant to new levels. You will be surprised for sure and new staff leaders will truly make a difference when you return. Seek them out and train them your way of doing things.

It is totally impossible in this day and age of communication to completely disconnect. I want to urge you to not react and understand that everything can truly wait until you return. Make a single contact to speak directly to if necessary. This requires you naming a leader before you leave. Wyatt Earp said "There is nothing worse than a leaderless mob." He was right then and now.

Finally, Enjoy your vacation and try not to control it. Be a follower for once. It is a new view and will change your life. Have Fun and come back refreshed.

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