Monday, December 13, 2010

The Holiday Season

I'm a Restaurant Guy...

and it is The Holiday Season. This presents several challenges for Restaurant Operators.

1. Family and Friends usually have events during days that we need to work. Working while everyone else is off is our job description. Restaurants always fill up on holidays and weekends. Family pressures can rise but work with your team to meet important family events. It is all about scheduling.

2. Employees have time off needs too. Staffing is critical during busy times and there are never enough employees to go around with endless parties and children's holiday shows. Employees, during this time of year, have a tendency to flake out on shifts or just choose to be absent. I would like to encourage you to remain firm on absentee policies. When we allow some employees to get away with not being there in our time of need, it is the most unfair to those who do come to work.

3. Customers are not jolly in December. I know it 'tis the season to be jolly, but our guests do not always have that opinion. There are several special parties and meetings that will take place in your restaurants with high expectations. Customer satisfaction surveys usually take a dive during December due to customer perception of service. To put it clearly, You must give better service in this month than usual. Being in the Christmas spirit in the Restaurant should equate to attention to detail in the entire dining experience. To some people the holidays are just not jolly and several are depressed and in a pretty crappy mood. It is our Job to step up our game and rally the troops to deliver excellence and ensure that Every Guest Leaves Jolly!

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Holidays!!!

Jesus remains my reason for the season!

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