Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm a Restaurant Guy

In the many years of Restaurant Operation, I have taken the greatest satisfaction in growing an developing Managers and employees.
I call myself a Restaurant Guy because I believe that just as in any field or expertise there are people who have the make up to be successful and those who do not. For example, my limited knowledge of Chemistry will undoubtedly be linked to food operation. I know that NaCl is table salt. I also know, Pectin in hot water will spread out and disperse among liquid but when cooled will re-bond making Jello. I cannot think molecularly about the world. I am just not that interested in the periodic table or other aspects of the science. Several people love it and God bless them for it. I am sure I benefit from their knowledge daily, unknowingly.

The same applies to the Restaurant/Hospitality industry. What it actually takes to make a dining experience happen flawlessly would surprise the average diner. I however, spend my days and nights trying to pin down a way to make it better. I work tirelessly with a staff of people to hire, train and develop the right cook and server, host, etc... to pull it off. I work on their craft every day with these individuals in a competitive market of other restaurants, other employers, education, continuing education, family emergencies and such. These distractions of pure focus call to these associates daily and result in an industry average of 100% turnover or worse! I personally cannot imagine it is more difficult to chemically make a diamond.

The true test is passion. If you are passionate about restaurants, you are at the right place.

The first question you must answer in order to be a successful Restaurant Operator is:

 Is restaurant operations what you desire to do?

 I speak with managers daily who are involved in internal struggles of whether they made the right career choice when they chose Restaurants. If that is your question then I will advise you to leave. I can mentor and advise a person to success but I cannot create the will to come to work everyday.

This question cannot be asked and answered in minutes in my experience with all those I have mentored.

This blog will serve as my input and opinion into the Restaurant Industry and Leadership. If you come back we can truly begin the conversation.

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